About Himalaya Public School

About Himalaya Public School Assandh

There’s much more to a education than just great schools that set a benchmark for quality education. Himalaya Public School Assandh – just like every one of our schools – is built on the same core values that encourage every Himalaya Public School Assandh student, regardless of their age, to develop a social conscience and become an active member of the global community.
Your child’s education is incredibly precious, which is why we want to talk to you about what makes us tick. In this section, we’d like to invite you to learn a little more about the network of schools, our core values and the part you can play in making your child’s education the very best it can be.

Our vision

Our vision is to create a school which is at the heart of the community and bursting with happy learners who are enthusiastic about exploring the world around them. Our aim is to create a fun and stimulating learning environment where every day is a magical voyage of discovery for children.
We want to nurture responsible global citizens who are sensitive to other cultures and people. We encourage our students to respect their environment, develop a social conscience and give something back to society.
We, at Himalaya Public School Assandh are committed to personal excellence of each student by imparting holistic quality education enriched with high moral values in a healthy competitive learning environment. Our Vision is based on innovative learning methodology , an unwavering commitment to academics, continuous improvement and cultivation of life skills.
We believe children of today are the torchbearers of tomorrow. While our methodology works towards building academic excellence, we successfully balance the rigour of curriculum and examination with social and emotional learning. Leading to a holistic development of body, mind and soul. And giving children a soumd foundation to grow up into enlightened and responsible adults.A mission to give equal opportunities to each and every child for personal growth through ‘value added’ education. A mission to arm the students with special skills to enable them to be successful in every sphere of life.A mission to transform each child into a wholesome human being, who will essentially believe and work towards his goal.
The school has capable and committed teaching staff, who believe that effective learning can only take place if there is a harmonious partnership between the home and school. We believe in making them learn a lot of things such as Team Dynamics, Leadership, Discipline, Perseverance etc. These things boost up students’ self-confidence and help them to be better communicators. This leads them towards being better individuals ready to take up the reins of managing their country effectively.
A Vision to be an integral part of the community – reaching out to every part of it and enriching it in our own special way. APS seeks to draw out maximum benefits from education without missing out on the fun and sweetness of childhood. Learning is interactive and tactile. All experiences are drawn from the real world; each precious individual will comfortably create his/her own niche, will discover talents, nurture skills, find their forte and most importantly will be groomed to become lifelong learners.
We want to nurture responsible global citizens who are sensitive to other cultures and people. We encourage our students to respect their environment, develop a social conscience and give something back to society. The ‘Service Before Self’ symbolizes the ability to face challenges and to render selfless service to society, for joy lies in giving and sharing rather than receiving. Our logo,Himalaya Public School Assandh symbolizes the emergence of the light of knowledge, dispelling the darkness of ignorance.
We value every team member as unique individual with potential to grow and contribute to the community. As part of our organizational belief in Personal Mastery which forms the basis of our 4-tiered Leadership, we strive to follow one of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People of ‘seeking first to understand every individual before we seek to be understood’ by this individual. Our belief that every member should be valued also means that we should strive to respect different opinions or perspectives and uphold the basic rights of each individual. Mutual respect is the basis of every relationship between two persons.